How to use Direct import function

You can use Direct import to choose a product and import it in one click from Please, make sure you have installed AliPluginPRO extension before you start.

To use the Direct import function you need to go to the AliPlugin Pro import section and press the ‘Use Direct Import’ button.

You will be redirected to If you want a product to be imported to a particular category, you need to choose it in your WP admin -> Import section and set ‘Publish’ in import options. Then you need to open the product page of a product you want to import and press the import button:

The product will be imported on your site. Note that if you have not chosen ‘Publish’ before it will not be published at once and will import as a draft.

To publish it you need to open this product edit page and press the publish button:

To publish several products at once, please, use Bulk actions -> Publish: